Preparing for the questions that will be asked on the Day of Resurrection

By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwi and translated by Hala Akram and Aisha Akram Faith, submission, righteous deeds, piety, benevolence, patience, gratitude, asceticism, humility, contentment, truthfulness, trustworthiness, compassion, encouraging in good deeds etcetera are the true values that we will be questioned about on the Day of Resurrection. Based on these, the decision to enter heaven and hell will be made. This worldly life has been given to us so that we may adopt and develop these qualities in ourselves. The correct way to attain these qualities is found in the Qur’an and Sunnah. In order to gain knowledge of these…

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Eulogy on Moulana Farahi

By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwi. Written by Allamah Syed Suleman Nadwi and translated from Arabic into English by Syed Huzaifah Ali Nadwi This world is an astounding place. And perhaps the most startling occurrence is when what one fears most transpires – the unimaginable. We submitted this treatise (Imʿān fi Aqsām al-Qurʾān) for print whilst the author was still alive and well.  Not a month had passed before we were shocked to hear of his tragic death and were pained by his passing. He (may God’s mercy be on him) was one of God’s marvels, as was reflected by his…

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Desire is desire, not will

By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwi and translated by Hala Akram and Aisha Akram. During this lockdown period, you are confined to your homes. Madrasahs are not yet open. You wish to continue your studies at home, engage in regular activities and make the most of your time. You set aside time to read different subjects and books but you lack consistency. Various pleasures entice you; you are overwhelmed by interests and postpone today’s work for tomorrow. The same thing happens during exam season when you cannot stick to a revision timetable. You wonder how easily each subject is given its…

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Prayer in the mosques during the easing of the lockdown

By Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi The covid-19 pandemic has caused massive disruptions in the lives of millions of people all over the world. There is, first of all, the personal suffering of those who have had to cope with the loss of members of family and other loved ones –– the officially recorded death toll is close to half a million people, but the true figure is probably double that. Then, the livelihoods of countless millions, and especially of the world’s poorest, have been ruined or severely damaged. Moreover, the restriction of social  gatherings has made it very difficult, for…

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Shaytan’s Tricks

By: Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi 1. Most people most of the time do not intend to do bad things (crimes and sins, like lying, stealing, defrauding, raping, killing, backbiting, etc.). 2. Most people most of the time intend to do good things (or ‘neutral’ things, things whose good or bad value is not known). 3. The Shaytan would be wasting much of his energy if he expended it trying to persuade most of the people most of the time to switch from intending and doing good things to intending and doing bad things. And the Shaytan is not at all…

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Mixed classes for men and women

By Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi Some people from India, where I used to teach, have put to me the following question: Why now do you teach classes in which men and women students share the same space? [By ‘the same space’ is meant a space without any sort of physical partition.] Since the question addresses my own practice, I am obliged to answer for myself. This I do briefly in section 2. First, at more length, I want to state the general principles that we should have in mind when thinking about this matter. In section 3, by way of…

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Two questions regarding congregational prayer

By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwī Following the imam via live broadcast Many people have asked me: As we are compelled to pray in our homes, can we follow an imam via live broadcast by radio or TV or other means of ‘live-streaming’? A congregational prayer is valid if there are two or more than two doing the prayer in the same space. Recall that the Prophet, salla l-lahu `alayhi wa-sallam, said that the whole earth is made a masjid for him. So, your praying at home is always valid, and doing so is acceptable when compelling circumstances make attendance at…

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The Soundest Book

By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwi and translated by Dr Abu Zayd They asked: What is the greatest book? I replied: After the Book of God, the greatest book undoubtedly is the Ṣaḥīḥ of Imām Bukhārī, entitled al-Jāmiʿ al-Musnad al-Ṣaḥīḥ al-Mukhtaṣar min Umūr Rasūlillāh wa Sunanihī wa Ayyāmihī. Nothing like it has ever been authored in Islam or any other tradition. It is a sound book of the highest quality, accuracy and precision. Among all works, it offers the greatest insights into understanding the Qurʾān, chains of transmission, ḥadīth sciences, fiqh, history and language. I have explained some of its unique…

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The pandemic and Ramadan

By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwī Only a week remains to prepare, before we welcome the month of Ramadan. With the covid-19 pandemic ongoing, so is the lockdown, and it is most likely that the lockdown will continue throughout Ramadan, and perhaps even longer. People are preparing themselves for this unusual Ramadan when they are confined to their homes. Several questions have been put to me about the fasting, tarawih, i`tikaf and `id. Here I have tried to answer some of the most pressing ones. Fasting for doctors and medical staff For the duration of the pandemic, the people at the…

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By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwī and translated by Dr Abu Zayd The coronavirus is spreading rapidly throughout the world. The most effective means to stop its spread that is being considered is for people to remain in their homes and avoid coming close to others. The contagious nature of this disease is a clear empirical and rational reality that is accepted by all experts, Muslim and otherwise. For this reason, all nations have chosen to close their public places and severely restrict social interaction. While all of these restrictions are being planned, in some Muslims circles it is being debated…

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