By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwi Being vaccinated while fasting: I have been asked about whether it is lawful to take the covid-19 vaccine while fasting. For some people, the chance to be vaccinated will come during the fasting month of Ramadan, and they are wondering if they should try to postpone their appointments. Sawm (fasting) means ‘abstaining from’. As a term of fiqh, sawm means abstaining from eating, drinking, and sexual intercourse from first light to sunset. Whoever, while fasting, deliberately eats or drinks (either to nourish himself or as a medicine) or deliberately has sexual intercourse, has committed a…
View More Three questions related to the on-going pandemicCategory: Fiqh
The Ulama and Covid-19 vaccine
By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwi and translated by Syed Huzaifah Ali Nadwi In the last few days, there has been an increase in the number of inquiries and fatwas regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. I am also being asked such questions, and without giving a formal response, I hope that scholars and Muftis alike will consider my thoughts. Before making any comments on the Covid-19 vaccine, we need to keep the following in mind: 1. The scientists who have developed this vaccine are not scholars, nor have they studied in a Madrasa. They have not consulted any Dar al-Ifta’ or any…
View More The Ulama and Covid-19 vaccineThe evil eye
By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwi and translated by Hala Akram and Aisha Akram A question was put to me by the well known Quranic scholar, Ustādh Nouman Ali Khan about the truth of the evil eye. The answer: Imam Bukhari narrates in his Sahih from Abu Hurayrah, and Imam Muslim narrates in his Sahih from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them both, that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “The evil eye is real.” Ibn Manzur mentions in Lisan al-Arab: Al-’ayn: The evil eye; the smiter is ‘Ā`in and the smote is Ma’yūn. The evil…
View More The evil eyePractices on the days of Dhi l-Hijjah
By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwi It is recommended that one give special attention to the day of `Id al-Fitr and the ten days of Dhi l-Hijjah by remembering Allah and glorifying Him. `Abdullah ibn `Abbas reports that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “No good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these days.” The Companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah, not even jihad in the way of Allah?” He said: “Not even jihad, save for the man who leaves with his life and wealth in the path of Allah and returns with neither of…
View More Practices on the days of Dhi l-HijjahMissing jumu`ah without excuse
By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwi Question: There is hadith in Abu Dawud that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Whoever misses jumu`ah without a good reason should give in sadaqah one dinar (a gold coin); if he can’t find one, then half. Is it obligatory for us to give this amount if we miss jumu`ah? Answer: First of all, let me make it clear that the question has to do with missing jumu`ah without a valid excuse. Insofar as this is a hadith that we might or should act upon, it does not apply in the present circumstances of…
View More Missing jumu`ah without excusePrayer in the mosques during the easing of the lockdown
By Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi The covid-19 pandemic has caused massive disruptions in the lives of millions of people all over the world. There is, first of all, the personal suffering of those who have had to cope with the loss of members of family and other loved ones –– the officially recorded death toll is close to half a million people, but the true figure is probably double that. Then, the livelihoods of countless millions, and especially of the world’s poorest, have been ruined or severely damaged. Moreover, the restriction of social gatherings has made it very difficult, for…
View More Prayer in the mosques during the easing of the lockdownTwo questions regarding congregational prayer
By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwī Following the imam via live broadcast Many people have asked me: As we are compelled to pray in our homes, can we follow an imam via live broadcast by radio or TV or other means of ‘live-streaming’? A congregational prayer is valid if there are two or more than two doing the prayer in the same space. Recall that the Prophet, salla l-lahu `alayhi wa-sallam, said that the whole earth is made a masjid for him. So, your praying at home is always valid, and doing so is acceptable when compelling circumstances make attendance at…
View More Two questions regarding congregational prayerThe pandemic and Ramadan
By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwī Only a week remains to prepare, before we welcome the month of Ramadan. With the covid-19 pandemic ongoing, so is the lockdown, and it is most likely that the lockdown will continue throughout Ramadan, and perhaps even longer. People are preparing themselves for this unusual Ramadan when they are confined to their homes. Several questions have been put to me about the fasting, tarawih, i`tikaf and `id. Here I have tried to answer some of the most pressing ones. Fasting for doctors and medical staff For the duration of the pandemic, the people at the…
View More The pandemic and RamadanContagion
By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwī and translated by Dr Abu Zayd The coronavirus is spreading rapidly throughout the world. The most effective means to stop its spread that is being considered is for people to remain in their homes and avoid coming close to others. The contagious nature of this disease is a clear empirical and rational reality that is accepted by all experts, Muslim and otherwise. For this reason, all nations have chosen to close their public places and severely restrict social interaction. While all of these restrictions are being planned, in some Muslims circles it is being debated…
View More ContagionIssues related to those who have died from the corona virus: washing their bodies, their burial and funeral prayers
By Dr. Mohammad Akram Nadwī Some community workers have put to me some questions concerning those who have died as a result of infection by the coronavirus: Your question: Since the bodies (and the inside and outside of the body bags in which they are delivered) of Muslims who died because of covid-19 are still contagious and there is a high risk of being infected when doing either ghusl or tayammum for the deceased, is it permissible for us to do the funeral prayer for them and bury them without doing ghusl or tayammum? Can we do salat al-gha’ib for…
View More Issues related to those who have died from the corona virus: washing their bodies, their burial and funeral prayers